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At Primavera de Paz, we embark on a transformative journey, channeling our commitment to positive impact across a spectrum of projects that embody our values and mission. Here's an in-depth look into some of our initiatives:a de Paz, our commitment to positive impact extends across a spectrum of projects that embody our values and mission. Here's a glimpse into some of our initiatives:

Image by Isaac Smith

Climate Justice


In our pursuit of climate resilience, EcoFuture collaborates with researchers and communities to advance effective solutions. By integrating scientific findings with local knowledge, we strive to foster sustainable practices that mitigate the impacts of climate change and promote environmental equity.


Initiatives: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

In our pursuit of sustainable development, Primavera de Paz actively engages in ESG initiatives. 

Image by Mathias Reding

Advocacy at the Human Rights Council, Geneva:

Twice a year, we get the chance to amplify the voices of our amazing Latin American community at the Human Rights Council. We love championing their rights and advocating for justice!

Projects in Synergy/Collaboration

Mínima Dosis Podcast

Mínima Dosis


Breaking stigmas, raising awareness, and encouraging dialogue, Minima Dosis stands as a beacon in fostering a balanced understanding of drug-related issues

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